Whenever there is interaction, learning begins. This is but natural. Jesus sent all his disciples outside Jerusalem. They all began to live amidst people there. Then they began to learn the language of the people they encountered. The result is that today Christians are in majority in the world. No religion has greater number of followers than Christianity. This has been mentioned in the Hadith. The Prophet said: "An age will come when the number of Christians will be more than that of any other religion." (Sahih Muslim 2898) The Prophet explained the reason for this: Christians would abandon fighting and work peacefully. Although the Prophet's wording is different, this is the sense of what he said. The Christians would leave confrontation and work along peaceful lines. This is a great testimony of history, a great lesson from history. This has been mentioned in the Quran, was predicted by the Prophet and also present in history. But people don’t take lessons from it. They instead indulge in militancy, and gun and bomb culture. The result is only destruction.
Whenever any nation or group in history faces a tragedy or a shock, an energy is released in it -- anger and revenge. I call all of this energy. At this time, the group needs a leader who can give a positive turn to this energy. If you don’t give a positve turn, people may fight and die. As you can see, today people are fighting and dying. To illustrate this point, I will give you some examples from history. The first example is of Jesus Christ. There is a great example in the life of Jesus, which has been mentioned in the Quran in Surah Saff. Jesus was sent to a community of Jews. The rulers at that time were Romans. Both became enemies of Jesus Christ. Both planned to crucify Jesus. Christians believe that Christ was crucified, but we believe that this didn’t happen. Instead God saved Jesus. Both Jews and Romans tried to crucify Jesus.
This fact is accepted by both Muslims and Christians. At that time Jesus, who was saved from crucifixion, gave a very positive lead to his disciples. Jesus's disciples were obviously angry and resentful about the attempt to crucify him. Jesus gathered together his disciples, who are called hawwariyun in the Quran (3:52). He told them to leave Jerusalem and go out to spread his message. The disciples said that outside Jerusalem they would face a language problem. They didn’t know the language of people living outside Jerusalem. Then Jesus prayed for them and said everything would be fine. They should trust God and go forth. The disciples left. What happened after that? The language of the countries or regions where they went were obviously different. But a person learns a new language through interaction. The disciples interacted with people, as they had to convey to them the message of Jesus. They began to learn the new language through interaction. Interaction is a learning process.
Whenever there is interaction, learning begins. This is but natural. Jesus sent all his disciples outside Jerusalem. They all began to live amidst people there. Then they began to learn the language of the people they encountered. The result is that today Christians are in majority in the world. No religion has greater number of followers than Christianity. This has been mentioned in the Hadith. The Prophet said: "An age will come when the number of Christians will be more than that of any other religion." (Sahih Muslim 2898) The Prophet explained the reason for this: Christians would abandon fighting and work peacefully. Although the Prophet's wording is different, this is the sense of what he said. The Christians would leave confrontation and work along peaceful lines. This is a great testimony of history, a great lesson from history. This has been mentioned in the Quran, was predicted by the Prophet and also present in history. But people don’t take lessons from it. They instead indulge in militancy, and gun and bomb culture. The result is only destruction.